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Expand number of subwoofers/speakers that may be simultaneously connected


ROKU - please expand the number of speakers/subwoofers that may be added to a system.

Many users (me included) would benefit from being able to add 2 or more subwoofers to our systems to achieve the desired sound.  Others would like more than just4 additional speakers.  Seems like it would be a fairly achievable addition.

At the moment, if I want to get the full effects of an action movie or many audio tracks, I've got to go to the Onkyo feeding the Cerwin Vegas.  I'd be happy to purchase some additional ROKU branded equipment, and I'm sure many other users would be as well.

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Expand number of subwoofers/speakers that may be simultaneously connected

Hi Community Users,

Thanks for posting here in the Roku Community!

We appreciate you providing your suggestion, and we value your feedback. We always aim to provide our customers with the best streaming experience and convenience when using our services. Thank you so much for your feedback, and we value your input.
This has been noted, and if you need anything else, please let us know.
All the best,

Eunice L.
Roku Community Moderator
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