PS Remote Play or Playstation Remote Play is an application developed by Sony that allows a system to connect to a network-connected Playstation game system. This allows the connected device to play games, access video captures, download new software, and perform basic maintenance on the system (i.e. move software to external storage, delete software from storage). The iOS version of the PS4/PS5 remote play allows a player to connect a PS4/PS5 game controller wirelessly to an iOS device running iOS 12 upwards while the PC version works best when the controller is connected via a USB cable. I was able to run this software on a Windows 10 PC with an Intel Celeron processor using 4 GB of RAM on wi-fi N network with the PlayStation connected via a wire to the network switch. It would be nice to add this to the features of newer, more powerful Roku units. #rokuultra #rokusoundbar #rokutv