Yes, we too would like to have new channel apps for Roku owners to have of the following networks...
FETV (Family Entertainment Television)
MeTV (Memorable Entertainment Television) (National and Local versions)
H&I (Heroes & Icons) (National and Local versions)
Decades (National and Local versions)
Antenna TV (National and Local Versions)
Shahid app
even though they claim we can get it on Roku, I checked many times, it is not on there.
It is available on playstore, LG, samsung,
looks like I will be buying a TV that isnt roku.
It does have Cozi ...look for WZTS-TV its there...but it only plays in West Virginia area... @Roku #Roku
You have to put in the station, not Cozi...but unless your in that area we don't get big time...niw I also have to pay for Roku channels...which I thought when I bought the Roku those channels come with money money!! 💰💰💰💰💰💰 We turned off dish...put up an lucky as **bleep** a new internet company came in and we were able with a 45 ft high pole was able to hit on the internet...but we live in the middle of nowhere so hitting with an antenna is shaky...Roku was our savior...that with a we are seeing more charging...and less "it comes with it" SUCKS
Can you add KTSF26 to roku?
What's KTSF26?
MeTV and AntennaTV would be two great additions, as well as Discovery +, of course. Thank you!