I recently bought a Roku 4K Streaming Stick (about a month ago). I’m experiencing the same issues listed above. The top right corner of my tv reads “not connected” even though I have tested my wifi connection multiple times. My remote will not work, nor will the hard reset you mentioned lead to a re-pair. Could you please help me out with this?
Model: 3820X // SN: S08Y4259T8JS
Thank you,
Hi @ChrisK3,
Thanks for your first post in the Roku Community!
We appreciate you for letting us know about the issue connecting your Roku device and may be having trouble with the Roku remote.
We recommend following the solution provided by @renojim. If the issue still persists, please answer the following questions so we can get a better understanding of what you are seeing:
We look further hearing from you so we will continue assisting you from there.
Best regards,
@peted97, are you using the USB cable with the Wi-Fi receiver in it? Without it, the stick won't work and the remote will do nothing.
Thank you!! That was the issue. I swapped to a longer cord…
Roku Danny, I am having the same issue. My unit was working fine, then it "froze" and now even tho I see the dancing "ROKU" when I plug/unplug, I get "no signal" and the remote won't pair or do anything. I tried to find how to PM you, but can't quite figure that out lol
Thanks for the post.
Have you tried disconnecting and unplugging your wireless network, then rebooting your Roku device to see if you can get past the bouncing Roku screen? If you can get to the Roku main Home screen, we would then recommend trying to reconnect and power up your wireless network.
Please keep us posted what you find out.
@RokuDanny-R Is there a resolution for this issue?
Recently moved a streaming stick (model 3820X) from a tv in one room to a different tv in another room. Device worked fine on old tv. Plugged into new tv and it gets to home screen where it says "Not Connected" in the upper right and remote doesn't pair. Have tried the steps to re-pair the remote, reset the wifi network (same network as old tv), used different HDMI inputs...same result.
@ChrisK3, did you see my comment above about using the USB cable with the Wi-Fi receiver in it? Without it, or if it's faulty, your stick will do exactly what you're seeing.
@renojim I did see that. I’m unsure why I’d need that when the stick worked just fine without it, just switched tvs. Same location & network
Hi @ChrisK3,
Thanks for your first post in the Roku Community!
We appreciate you for letting us know about the issue connecting your Roku device and may be having trouble with the Roku remote.
We recommend following the solution provided by @renojim. If the issue still persists, please answer the following questions so we can get a better understanding of what you are seeing:
We look further hearing from you so we will continue assisting you from there.
Best regards,
Thanks, @RokuMary-F that was it!