Never mind. After an extremely unhelpful service chat I decided to return my Ultra for credit. Here's the story in a nutshell. (1) I created a account with an email address through my email forwarding service, *** (2) I tried dozens of times to use this same address when setting up my Ultra, always being told it doesn't work (see title above), and I even tried a different address on that server... that's strike #1 (3) During the service chat I was asked to try an email address through a different email server, but there's no way (I can find) to change the email address... that's strike #2 (4) I finally tried a address for the Ultra setup and got an activation email, but I was asked to create a new account, which is ridiculous since I already have an account (5) Service said my email server must be down, but I sent them a screenshot of a Roku Community email I received today at that address, so I asked them to email me so I can respond to prove my email server is up and running, but they said they can't send emails... that's strike #3. (6) This company has little tech savvy so I'll avoid future headaches by returning my device and moving on.