This evening I've had the same problems it's as I have seen in above posts. I too have the Express 4K+. 3941X. Have it plugged in to a wall continuous power source. 30 sec reset doesn't work. Resetting after disconnecting router doesn't work. Help?
Hey @fenderbender7
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Please reply here with the serial number of the affected Roku device. This can be found at the back or underneath the player itself. We will be able to further assist you from there.
Keep us posted!
All the best,
I’m having the same issue. Model 3941x SN:S07P21893RX9
Hello @RP2323
Thanks for reaching out here in the Community!
Can you please provide us with more information regarding the issue you are experiencing? What troubleshooting steps have you taken so far to try to resolve the issue? How long has the issue been occurring?
Please keep us posted and we'll continue assisting you from there.