Ok I got the Roku to AVR ( used BD IN) and AVR out to TV HDMI ARC. 🙂
Sorry to be so unintelligent when it comes to electronics. I have attached better pics. Before I removed the cable box the yellow of the 3 was the only one that was hooked up on the TV and also hooked up on the surround sound at the "monitor out" the red and white was hooked up at the cable box end. Not sure why this was done this way its what the cable guy did.
However if you are saying I need to connect the red and white do I remove the yellow?
Also what connection points do I use for the TV and AVR for the analog cables ( red/ white and /or yellow) or can I just use a optical cable whatever that is? and if optical where do I connect at each end (AVR and TV)
Basically I need each connection point for each connector.
All this just to try to save money and cut the cable box 😞
I understand somewhat what you were saying for certain apps and I am fine with any sound I get. My sincere apologies for being so stupid and a pain. Thank you for your patience!
I'm happy to help if I can.
When using the HDMI cable, there's no need for the red/white/yellow connections at all. Your audio and video all pass over the HDMI connection. I do see your TV supports ARC, so it's a shame your AVR doesn't. That would eliminate an optical cable from the TV to the AVR. I so see an optical out on the TV and optical in at the AVR, so that's the best way to get your TV sound back to the AVR.
I have no idea why your cable box was configured as it was. Doesn't sound like the best way to do it, unless the cable box didn't have HDMI outputs. Of course, that would have meant that it didn't support HD, and using the yellow video cable you wouldn't get HD anyway.
Thank you! I now have sound from all my speakers except one of the back ones. I must have messed something up. It appears my HDMI cables are High Speed HDMI with ethernet (cable guy left them). I don't have an optical cable yet I will have to go purchase one and get a high speed HDMI cables with no ethernet.
Your help has been outstanding THANK YOU!!!!
@mrsmg wrote:Thank you! I now have sound from all my speakers except one of the back ones. I must have messed something up. It appears my HDMI cables are High Speed HDMI with ethernet (cable guy left them). I don't have an optical cable yet I will have to go purchase one and get a high speed HDMI cables with no ethernet.
Your help has been outstanding THANK YOU!!!!
No need to replace the HDMI cables. It doesn't matter if they support Ethernet or not. Your Roku and TV don't support it, so that part of the cable is ignored. For the video and audio stuff, those cables are fine.
So I have both Roku Express and Apple TV (gen 2) connected to my TV by HDMI and then an optical cable going from my TV into the AVR (which does not have HDMI connections). I have the Roku Express set to auto detect. I can get 5.1 surround from the Apple TV but not the Roku Express. Any suggestions?
I'm having problems connecting my Roku system to my home theater system.any suggestions?I have the theater connected to the TV and it works find but when I am watching my Netflix and other things on the Roku app the theater doesn't work.
@Lad1 Can you describe how your components are connected? Does the Roku connect to the AVR, then the AVR connects to the TV, all connections via HDMI? Or do you have some other combination? When you say Home Theater, are you referring to an all-in-one box that has a disc player and the amplifier feeding the 5.1 speakers? Or a separate AVR with the separate components connected to it?
All are connected to the HDMI
But you didn't describe your layout. If your Roku isn't connected directly to the AVR via HDMI, then there might be an interface issue somewhere. What is the make/model of your AVR?
It's a Hisense tv and it is only a few years old.it is a smart tv.