I recently subscribed to Max. I was able to watch for a few days, but now when I open the MAX app it goes to a Settings page, with no way to do anything other than view and modify a few settings.
I have restarted my Roku and that didn't help.
My network is fine, I can watch other services with no issues.
I can't even "Remove" the MAX app, when I click the "*" all I do is move the icon and "Manage Subscription" -- I have tried cancelling the subscription, but that doesn't change anything (I still can't Remove the app).
I have also tried "Sign Out From All Devices" from the MAX web site.
If this channel is one for which you have a paid subscription through Roku, there will be a "Manage subscription" option instead of a "Remove channel" option. You can click this and follow the prompts to prevent any more payments, but your subscription and channel access will continue until your current subscription period runs out. Due to a programming decision by Roku, you will not be able to remove the channel app via the Roku interface until the subscription period runs out.
Instead, try removing the channel via the official Roku remote app on an Android/iOS phone/tablet connected to one of the Rokus on your account. At the bottom of the first screen, click Search and do a search for the installed channel name. On the resulting screen you should get options to Launch the channel on your Roku, or Remove the channel. I've never tried to remove a subscribed-thru-Roku channel (I haven't had one for years, and this may give you an idea of one reason why) but others have reported this works with active subscriptions through Roku
I ended up not having to do that; I managed to get back to the login screen by repeatedly hitting the back arrow on the remote after launching the app and while it was loading. From there, I was able to login (despite some other weird issues, unable to submit the email+password login form unless I entered all of the fields explicitly using the Android Remote app) and get back to normal.
Not super impressed with this experience.