Thanks for the post.
Can you please clarify the issue you are experiencing?
The link code is a one time generated code used when activating your device/TV for the first time. You can generate new link code if you try to perform a factory reset on your Roku device/TV.
With more information we will be able to assist you further.
Forgot my link code
You only ever use a link code once. There's no reason to remember it.
i have done factory reset with side pin on tv. i have changed wireless connection to a different source and i still can't get roku to show link code to complete setting up my roku account. any suggestions?
What is showing on your TV screen? How far did you get through the setup process?
I can not get the link code It is not being sent to my email address
I get through the setup and I see the ROKU dancing figure. Then all I see is the blue screen. I know it is not the blue screen of death.
A couple of times it has me starting over again with the setup starting with picking the language. I go through it again and it stops at the same place. THE BLUE SCREEN WITH NOTHING ON IT
I have to add one more thing. I don't get the link code display on the TV
I do not receive the link code on the television or through my email account.
the setup goes up to the point recognizing the language I want, the wireless connection, downloading the updates but it doesn't any further in asking me the display type. It will go to the dancing ROKU dancing icon.
After I just get the blue screen with nothing display. When I go to the support page and activate device, it ask for a link code but I don't get the code on the tv or my email.
I have tried many suggestions but have had no successful. Roku needs to have support from their business. this is not working clean enough
The blue screen is most likely because the Roku isn't putting out a signal any longer. Are you using the supplied power adapter and not the TV's USB port? Have you tried another HDMI cable?