Based on the page you linked to, it sounds like you have one of those "few" Samsung TVs.
"To hear audio, you need a TV, AV receiver, or soundbar that can decode Dolby Digital or AC3 audio over HDMI. Most modern TVs can do this, though we’ve noticed a few Samsung TVs cannot. All Roku televisions should be able to play audio without any trouble."
It sounds like your choices are to encourage them (HDHomeRun) to "do something about that", buy a different TV, or add a sound system. You probably want to start with the former. I wouldn't count on them reading this forum, though that is possible. I wonder what constitutes "a few".
Personally I'd take this as justification for a good sound system.
I am sorry my friend but, I have posted the way to correct the audio with my post
To hear audio, you need a TV, AV receiver, or soundbar that can decode Dolby Digital or AC3 audio over HDMI. Most modern TVs can do this, though we’ve noticed a few Samsung TVs cannot. All Roku televisions should be able to play audio without any trouble.