My VAST tag works correctly in the Ad Server URL, but in the Developer URL it throws the error below.
How do I fix this?
The server URL could not be validated. The server returned unrecognized XML. Was expecting <VAST ...> or <Thanks in advance
vmap:VMAP ... version="1.xx">.
and the Developer URL:
How do I fix this? Not sure I understand.
Appreciate that.
This is the second company that has given me a feed that doesn't work.
Is there a sample somewhere?
I keep sending them to the configuration page, and they seem to not understand how to properly configure a VAST tag for Roku.
Ah... This is not our direct inventory, this is a provider who fills our inventory for us.
They would like to see a sample of a working tag, with a sample ad.
Yeah, thats the issue I am running into. Really having trouble finding someone.
Hi @coskel ,
You VAST URL looks ok, here are your parameters in the VAST URL:
The only 2 required parameters by Roku are:
The rest of the parameters are for the ad provider.
The issue with your VAST URL is that it's not returning anything (its empty), so maybe the ad provider did not activate your account (publisher account with ID 625fa29739c45235de1cd4e4).
Here is a our sample VAST URL, you can use it to test ads with your Roku channel:
Also, if you are looking for a robust solution to manage your content feed, then check out our platform, it will save you a lot of time and frustration managing and debugging your feed.
thanks sattun.
I did pop in your VAST tag and Roku accepted it. Should I have seen a sample ad fire after re-publishing?
You will see sample ads if you added ad breaks to your content feed. Just keep in mind with Roku Direct Publisher channels user will not see any ads for the first 15 min.
You can read my post about this: