Hi DigitalMarketer,
I apologize for not providing an answer, but I wanted to ask a question. When you pull up the JSON URL which should be something like "
http://mydomainnamehere.com/wp-json/tv/roku/" and you click on one of the thumbnail links do you get taken to the image, or do you get an error page?
For some reason when I mouse over the link to the url it displays "http://mydomainnamehere.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/imagename.jpg" however when click the link it comes up in the URL bar as "http://mydomainnamehere.com/mydomainnamehere.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/imagename.jpg" which is where I get an error.
I'm not sure if this is related to something on my WP set up, my server set up or something else. I cannot find where that extra domain name is coming up in the coding of the plugin to generate that URL. It's kind of weird and I have finally wound up just writing the code myself, using the exact same URL's and it does work that way. The JSON seems to be right, but I am wondering if there is something that is part of WordPress that changes some of the links.
I don't save the videos inside the WP install so my link is structured a bit differently, they are on the same domain, just not in the root of the WordPress install. ( http://mydomainnamehere.com/rokufiles/videos/video-file-name.mp4 )
I know that the developer of the WP-Smart-TV plugin is always in the forum and has been very helpful in the past, maybe he will see this post, so I cannot remember his name.