"Baradanikto" wrote:
RokuTomC, thanks for the further clarification. But, can you also verify that JSON can be used for short videos (less than 20 minutes)? If that's the case, I'll definitely try to update my code to support JSON sooner than later.
"Pasnow" wrote:"Baradanikto" wrote:
RokuTomC, thanks for the further clarification. But, can you also verify that JSON can be used for short videos (less than 20 minutes)? If that's the case, I'll definitely try to update my code to support JSON sooner than later.
My site is predominantly shortform videos. Works fine with JSON. The ads seem to only be preroll with RAF. I'm ok with it, but to answer your question JSON works with videos less than 20 minutes.
"RokuTomC" wrote:
Pasnow (and Baradanikto), only pre-roll ads will be served by default in a Direct Publisher channel. However, when using a JSON feed, you can include the optional adBreaks field to designate breakpoints for mid-roll ads. Note that this is another benefit of the JSON feed format over MRSS.
"RokuTomC" wrote:
nabeards, what is the name of your channel? We are actively investigating a similar issue on other channels and can include you in a list of channels known to be affected.