I'm getting an error when I try to validate a feed.
Here is the end of the feed
"name": "xxxxxx",
"playlistName": "xxxxxx",
"order": "manual"
but when I try to validate using JSONLINT I get the following error (the final line in the feed } is highlighted):
Error: Parse error on line 354: ... }] } ----------------------^ Expecting ',', ']', got 'EOF'
I can't figure out what I've entered incorrectly (using a macbook pro fyi).
Another site JSON formatter and validator gives me this message:
Error: Expecting closing } at end [Code 22, Structure 1230]
It seems the closing } is there so not sure what's happening.
Anyone know more about JSON that can help?
Are you trying to define a playlist or a category? Try removing the stray square bracket. For reference, look at the Roku Json feed schema.
Trying to define a category. I'll take a look at the schema.
Are you coding your feed file by hand using an editor like notepad? If so, you run the risk of missing syntax and logic errors. There are plenty of software solutions on this forum to help you maintain your channel.
Usually this is due to an extra brace somewhere.
All of your objects start and end with a brace. All of your arrays of objects start and end with a bracket. If you're using a more robust text editor, you can hover over a brace or bracket and it will point out where its partner is.
Make sure your categories key starts and ends with square brackets "[ ]" (see below).
Here is a sample JSON with liveFeeds:
{ "providerName": "OTTfeed.com" , "lastUpdated": "2021-01-22T21:01:43+00:00" , "language": "en-US" , "liveFeeds": [{ "id": "GCUGbgJZalE6XOuIzJVV" , "title": "OTTfeed" , "content": { "dateAdded": "2021-01-23T17:20:46+00:00" , "videos": [{ "url": "https://playlist.ottfeed.com/live/master.m3u8?channel=GCUGbgJZalE6XOuIzJVV" , "quality": "FHD" , "videoType": "HLS" }] , "language": "en-US" } , "thumbnail": "https://ottfeed.com/GCUGbgJZalE6XOuIzJVV/OTTfeed-live-image.png" , "shortDescription": "All-in-one feed management system for Roku Direct Publisher, Roku Channel and custom OTT apps" , "longDescription": "OTTfeed: All-in-one feed management system for Roku Direct Publisher, Roku Channel and custom OTT apps. All Content Types, Management Tools & Advanced workflows. For more info go to https://OTTfeed.com" , "tags": ["ottfeed", "live"] , "rating": { "rating": "UNRATED" , "ratingSource": "USA_PR" } , "genres": ["technology"] }] , "categories": [{ "name": "Latest" , "order": "most_recent" , "query": "live OR ottfeed" }] }
Download the file: https://ottfeed.com/GCUGbgJZalE6XOuIzJVV/OTTfeed-RDP-liveFeed.json