thanks for this info, the only thing i haven't figured out is where do i put the Vimeo feed?
If you have Vimeo Pro, each of your videos will have an http live stream (HLS) link. Use that one. I'll post an example object in a moment.
Here's an example Short Form Video object:
{ "id": "SHORT_ID_TO_IDENTIFY_VIDEO", "title": "TITLE_OF_VIDEO", "content": { "dateAdded": "2017-04-01T00:00:00+00:05", "videos": [ { "url": "", "quality": "HD", "videoType": "HLS" } ], "duration": 2929 }, "thumbnail": "URL_OF_THUMBNAIL.png", "shortDescription": "SHORT_PHRASE_TO_DESCRIBE_VIDEO", "releaseDate": "2017-04-01T00:00:00+00:05" }
You can find the HLS link in the Distribution menu at the bottom (left navigation after you select a video). Each video has its own unique id.
Can you use the showcase feed? or do you have to do it per video?
I believe you have to do this per video.
@stubbstarbuck can you serve multiple feeds for different channels in the same repo using the same branch, or do you need to create different branches in the same repo or use completely different repos altogether?