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HLS not accept

Can not create feed (for LIve tv HLS)
my file .json
  "providerName":"Silence TV WORLD",
        "title":"Silence TV WORLD",
        "shortDescription":"This innovative way is getting more and more popular around the world.",


The answer is

    No valid items were found in the feed1 item has an error: Required content duration missing or invalid. Duration must be greater than 0.
I have no ideas
Tell me

thanks for the answer
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Roku Guru

Re: HLS not accept

You have a syntax error in your JSON feed file.  If you look at the JSON feed spec, you'll see that the Content object requires a "duration" field.  You have not specified that.  These types of errors typically happen when coding the feed file by hand.

Disclaimer:  I have recently written software to help in creating and managing JSON feed files.  You won't need to know JSON or programming.  The software creates syntacically correct JSON files.  If you're interested, please take a look at my post, New Software to Create and Manage Json Feed files!
FREE Windows desktop software for converting Direct Publisher channels to SceneGraph (SDK), for creating BIF (Trick Play) files, Roku (MRSS, JSON) feed files, and FireTV feed files @ GitHub/rrirower.
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