One of our channel that is still private and under development has started showing a large number (18) of elements (videos, movies) that are being duplicated within a number of different categories. The feed being used to populate the channel is the exact same feed that is populating a backup/mirror channel which is correcting displaying the content as expected.
Both channels are on "Version 1.2". The primary channel is on "build 16". The backup/mirror channel is on "build 1". (Not sure what that means).
When checking the "Feed URL Status" within the developer's dashboard, both channels report "35 items ingested successfully".
What could be causing this duplication error and what can we do to fix this situation?
Thanks, all!
"Categories" and "Tags" determine where your video item will appear on the channel. You should inspect your usage of each and make sure you've "bucketed" the videos appropriately. Pay special attention to the use of "AND" and "OR" when defining tags.
That's not the issue. Roku has informed me it's a known bug.
Additionally, as I mentioned previously, the same exact feed is providing content to both channels. If it was a tag/category issue, they'd both reflect the problem.