Questions this thread will answer:
Can I convert my Roku Direct Publisher channel to SDK by myself?
Do I need a developer to convert my Roku channel to SDK?
How to ensure seamless Roku SDK conversion from Direct Publisher?
Is there a guide for converting Roku channels to SDK format?
What are the best practices for Roku Direct Publisher to SDK conversion?
What’s required to upgrade from Roku Direct Publisher to SDK?
Converting a Roku Direct Publisher channel into a Roku SDK channel can be approached in two ways, either by developing it yourself or by opting for a streamlined done for you ROKU SDK in less than 5 minutes. Below, we’ll guide you through both methods.
Please note that developing a custom Roku SDK channel requires programming skills and ongoing maintenance. If you are not comfortable with coding, go to the next method “Convert your direct publisher ROKU Channel to an SDK in minutes.”
Step 1: Prepare Your Development Environment
Before diving in, make sure you have the necessary tools and resources:
Step 2: Create a Roku SDK Application
Step 3: Develop Your Custom Roku Channel
Step 4: Testing Your Channel
To test your custom Roku SDK channel, you’ll need to sideload it onto your Roku device. Here’s how:
Thoroughly test your channel on your Roku device to verify that all features and content function as intended.
Step 5: Package and Distribute Your Channel
Step 6: Maintain and Update Your Channel
Regularly maintain and update your custom Roku SDK channel to ensure its compatibility with the latest Roku firmware. Roku frequently releases software updates, and it’s essential to remain responsive to user feedback and implement improvements as necessary.
Step 2: Click on convert your channel
Step 3: Sign up
Step 4: Click Create SDK
Step 5: Fill in details
Step 6: Click Create SDK
Step 7: Upload your SDK to ROKU!
In under 5 minutes you have converted your Roku Direct Publisher channel to a Roku SDK, ready for future streaming!
And if you want to monetize your channel, for a one-time fee of $199, you can activate vast tags for advertising, custom banners, backgrounds, logos, etc.
This method will enable monthly revenue based on ads tied to your channel!
So, head on over to and create your ROKU Channel today!
Roku SDK Converter
Convert my Roku channel to SDK
Convert SDK for Roku
Roku Direct Publisher to SDK
The website does not work anymore. Please can you help me?
Try downloading from the "Installation" section here at the Github:
Check out the Discussions tab for likely FAQs
Thanks a lot I've been looking for alternatives like this!