As of September 2021 - What are the smartest ways (best value, most simple system) that you all may have found to create a viewer experience that is most like Netflix?
The look/style would be to create:
video splash loading screen
featured video on the top half of screen (title + short description on left, picture or clip on right)
content headings on bottom half of screen (thriller, comedy, etc.) with horizontal scroll of videos
search function and content headings on farthest left part of screen listed vertically
Is anyone finding that any Vimeo showcases approach this?
Could the above be done with Vimeo pro account and
Thank you in advance for any thoughts.
#vimeo #vimeoshowcase #instanttvchannel #directpublisher #netflix #netflixinterface
Agreed. Either code an SDK channel or hire someone to do so. A 'Netflix-like', geez, it'd be an expensive project.
Secondly, are you looking for PPV/subscription channel? Also isn't doable within DP and would likely be quite pricey to outsource.
Hi @tvscreen
We have a custom Roku app that can be tailored to fit your needs.
In addition, with our platform you can manage your Roku channel content with ease.
Go to and request a demo, I will walk you through our products and answer any question you might have.
Some of the replies posted here about Instant TV Channel are not exactly correct. Most of the OP's requirements are available when using Instant TV Channel:
Video splash loading screen - Yes, this is available in Instant TV Channel.
Featured video on the top half of screen (title + short description on left, picture or clip on right) - Yes, this is available in Instant TV Channel using a grid (one or more selectable rows of posters) with custom row/poster sizes. You can even have trailer videos playing in a configurable area of the grid, similar to what you might see on Netflix.
Content headings on bottom half of screen (thriller, comedy, etc.) with horizontal scroll of videos - Depending on what you mean, this might be available with an Instant TV Channel grid.
Search function and content headings on farthest left part of screen listed vertically - Not available on the left side of the screen, but a customized grid might be similar. The in-channel search function can be accessed several different ways.
Multiple Vimeo showcases can be used in Instant TV Channel at the same time, for both Direct Publisher and SDK channels. A typical use in an SDK channel is one Vimeo showcase per row of a grid. @AaronMSpelling is correct that Vimeo can get very expensive if your channel picks up a large number of viewers, but Vimeo is still a good place to start out. A Pro account, the minimum required for use with Roku, is currently $250 per year = $21 per month. They usually don't start hassling you to upgrade to a more expensive account until you hit a terabyte or two per month. You can always migrate off of Vimeo and onto a less expensive CDN at a later date.
Instant TV Channel does support in-channel purchases and subscriptions for SDK channels. It's not pricey at all and no outsourcing is required.
Documentation for most of this is available here: