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Any way to reorder episode listing?

Hello. I was wondering if there is any way to list episodes in reverse order so that the most recent episode is listed at the top of the list? We produce a show that doesn't matter which order you watch the episodes although it makes most sense for us to have the most current episodes appear first. By default, Direct Publisher is showing the first episode first. I really wish I could reverse it.
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Roku Guru

Re: Any way to reorder episode listing?

I'm pretty sure I have my episodes listed the way you want. Can you post your feed for review?
FREE Windows desktop software for converting Direct Publisher channels to SceneGraph (SDK), for creating BIF (Trick Play) files, Roku (MRSS, JSON) feed files, and FireTV feed files @ GitHub/rrirower.
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Re: Any way to reorder episode listing?

Yes, my test feed is identical to the production feed at this point: ... -roku.json 

The USWEEK series is intentionally just one episode (the most current episode). I needed to make it easy to find.

But the USTV series and TWNOW series, I would love to have them display the latest episode first when you are on the episode listing page.
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Roku Guru

Re: Any way to reorder episode listing?

A couple of observations.  My feed file defines a series and the last episode is always at the top.  I use a category with the order set to "most recent".  I also number my episodes 1,2,3, etc.  You're using "manual" for the category, and your episode numbers don't seem to follow a pattern.
FREE Windows desktop software for converting Direct Publisher channels to SceneGraph (SDK), for creating BIF (Trick Play) files, Roku (MRSS, JSON) feed files, and FireTV feed files @ GitHub/rrirower.
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Re: Any way to reorder episode listing?

My feed file defines several series:

  • We produce a weekly telecast that airs on television (the USTV series in my feed)

  • We produce a weekly webcast that airs live on Facebook and Youtube (the TWNOW series in my feed)

  • Our Canadian office produces a weekly telecast that airs on television in Canada (the TVCANADA series)

  • and we have some special "one-off" live presentations that we streamed (the ONLINETWP series)

My episode numbering appears erratic because there are four different series listed and sometimes they air out of order or as a rerun. So on the channel, these four series tiles appear in the second row as part of the "Recent Content" category defined by the "xyz" playlist. The category is set to manual order, but the category is a container for a playlist of series, not episodes. If I set the category to "most recent" then the order of the series changes, but not the episodes within those series.

I think our feeds work differently because you have one series and I have four (actually five if you count my hero row USWEEK series which only contains the most recent episode from my USTV series.)
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Roku Guru

Re: Any way to reorder episode listing?

I actually have 4 series defined, each with multiple episodes.  Each series starts at episode #1.
FREE Windows desktop software for converting Direct Publisher channels to SceneGraph (SDK), for creating BIF (Trick Play) files, Roku (MRSS, JSON) feed files, and FireTV feed files @ GitHub/rrirower.
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Re: Any way to reorder episode listing?

Thank you, I'll retry the most_recent setting again to see if I can get that to work. Our episodes start with #1 as well however, I am trying to get the feed organized the way I want before spending the time to add all 500+ episodes (hopefully in an automated way.) 

Question: are you defining your categories by query or playlist?
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Roku Guru

Re: Any way to reorder episode listing?

Question: are you defining your categories by query or playlist?

FREE Windows desktop software for converting Direct Publisher channels to SceneGraph (SDK), for creating BIF (Trick Play) files, Roku (MRSS, JSON) feed files, and FireTV feed files @ GitHub/rrirower.
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Re: Any way to reorder episode listing?

bingo. That must be the difference.  I tried "most_recent" and nothing changed. I'm going to try to add tags to my series and do the categories by query and see if that helps.
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Re: Any way to reorder episode listing?

Yeah... that didn't work either. It still lists my episodes from lowest episode number to highest.
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