First off, try the advanced functions in the 2D API, like DrawPolygon() and FillPolygon(). Then move into texture mapping with Plot() in an ultra-fast mapping algorithm (that you'd have to write).
Oh wait. Wrong API. Nope. No such in the SDK. Maybe the NDK. Search for posts about that.
However, you can make use of bitmaps in the SDK. Think of it like an animated GIF where each frame is a subset of the whole thing. There are animated sprite routines that will even animate the sprite frame changes for you if you wish. That may help. It's more or less pre-rendered that way.
You can simulate a Plot() by drawing a line with the same start and end points. Slow though. I managed a FillPolygon() routine that was about 30ms for a medium sized arbitrary polygon. It was basically rasterized. However, only single color. IDK what would happen on a point-by-point basis but it wouldn't be pretty (well, wouldn't be quick).
So basically, pre render stuff and then blit it to the screen. See the sprite and compositor stuff in the 2D API. This is all normally done in a drawing loop that redraws the entire screen every frame for double buffered screens. But could be an overlay too I guess.