Well, I'm still trying to figure this out... the trouble started when I switched this:
function initplayer()
end function
to this:
sub main()
end sub
function initplayer() as object
return {isplaying:false,ispaused:false,audioplayer:createobject("roaudioplayer"),historylist:createobject("roarray",9,true)}
end function
then when I call:
I no longer have m.audioplayer or any other m variable.
Every function I call: modobj.funcname()
used to have m referencing modobj, now it references nothing...
I switched it back, and everything is working, but I don't really understand why glob doesn't translate to m in moduleone() and modobj doesn't translate to m in functions called from modobj.funcname()
shouldn't any function called as a method of an object reference that object as m? That was working before I made the switch. Shouldn't a function called from that function reference the preceding function as m and include both parent functions in the cumulative list of globals?
- Joel
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