One of these is not like the others:
Brightscript Debugger> ? 4.2#.setDouble(0)
<bsTypedValue: >
Brightscript Debugger> ? 4.2!.setFloat(0)
Brightscript Debugger> ? "42".setString("")
Brightscript Debugger> ? 42%.setInt(0)
Yes, yes - i know the example is gaudy, stylistically - but let's focus on the difference: all these methods have
"as void" return type - and i imagine <UNINITIALIZED> of type "<uninitialized>" is what the Void must look like (?). <bsTypedValue: > of type "" on the other hand is something else (undies showing?)
PS. speaking of space oddities, there seems to be
another Void as far as B/S subs/functions are concerned:
Brightscript Debugger> f = function() as void: end function: ? f()
Brightscript Debugger> f = function() as integer: end function: ? f()