"mikempet" wrote:
I've modified mySimpleVideo to stream an mp4 video from a Win 7 PC on my local network, but I am getting the following error in the debug console:
------ Running ------
Type args = roAssociativeArray
Type args.url = Invalid
These lines are not an error. If you look at the BrightScript for the sample channel, all it's doing is printing out the values of some ECP parameters. So it's really just telling you that you are not passing a URL into the channel via ECP. That's fine because you're pasting your URL into the BrightScript.
To get more information about the playback failure, try listening for the isRequestFailed event. You could also setup a roSystemLog to get information about the requests being made by the player.
"mikempet" wrote:
The Roku media player lists the device as "MIKE-HP-I7:standard" with a Windows Media Player icon to the right. I can navigate to the video folder as Videos->test and play it. However, I cannot load it using the roVideoScreen() call.
Here is the code snippet with various tests commented out:
'urls = ["http://MIKE-HP-I7/Users/standard/Videos/test/SDV_1024.mp4"]
' urls = [" Videos/test/SDV_1024.mp4"]
' urls = ["http://MIKE-HP-I7/Users/standard/My%20Videos/test/SDV_1024.mp4"]
'urls = ["http://MIKE-HP-I7:standard/Users/standard/Videos/test/SDV_1024.mp4"]
urls = ["http://MIKE-HP-I7:standard/Videos/test/SDV_1024.mp4"]
urls = ["http://MIKE-HP-I7:standard/My Videos/test/SDV_1024.mp4"]
Sounds like Roku media Player is finding the URL through a DLNA server. I don't know much about WMP or how it constructs its URLs.