"scorpiontahir02" wrote:
"belltown" wrote:
However, the images were coming from servers 5,000 miles away, so maybe were taking too long and exceeding some timeout value used by roTextureManager.
I have tried on 2 locations and for me strangly more images were loading 5000 miles away from the server a d less were loading near the server :).
I ended up writing my own texture manager that used roUrlTransfer, and haven't had any problems with downloading those same images that way.
So requesting for images again did not resolved the issue?
When I requested the images again, they did load. I don't really think it's the distance that matters, just how slow that particular server is at serving up images. In that particular channel (when using roTextureManager), I'd wait until all texture requests had completed then retry the ones that had failed. I just didn't like the holes it left on the initial screen in the time it took before the retried images were downloaded. I didn't have to worry about that when using my own texture manager. However, the main reason I decided to write my own texture manager was because roTextureManager wasn't supported on the legacy Rokus, and I wanted that channel to work on all Roku devices. That was just before they announced that they'd no longer support the legacy Roku devices through channel updates, etc. So that exercise turned out to be a waste of time, and I'll probably go back to using roTextureManager in future projects.