If you don't have any buttons on a springboard screen, then you can't close the screen with the UP button on the remote control. The only way I can find to make it quit is to press the home button.
ie consider this code -
Function displayAudioDetailScreen(category as Object) As Integer
port=CreateObject("roMessagePort") 'create message port
audioPlayer=CreateObject("roAudioPlayer") 'create audio player
audioPlayer.SetMessagePort(port) 'set the audioplayer to use the created message port
screen=CreateObject("roSpringboardScreen") 'create a springboard screen
screen.SetMessagePort(port) 'set the message port for the springboard screen to the same port audio player uses
category.url="" 'replace the passed content for testing purposes
category.streamformat="mp3" 'audioplayer will not play if the streamformat is not set
audioPlayer.AddContent(category) 'import content into the audio player component
'screen.AddButton(1, "Play") 'commented out to show point of failure
'screen.AddButton(5, "Stop")
screen.SetContent(category) 'populate the screen with the content for thumbnail/title/etc etc
screen.Show() 'show the screen
audioplayer.play() 'start playing the live mp3 stream
While TRUE
msg=Wait(0,screen.GetMessagePort()) 'wait for an event
If Type(msg)="roAudioPlayerEvent" 'these work and stream plays - says startup progress, etc etc
If msg.isStatusMessage() Then
Print"roAudioPlayerEvent: ";msg.GetMessage()
End If
Else If Type(msg)="roSpringboardScreenEvent"
If msg.isRemoteKeyPressed() 'this event should be firing regardless of buttons on the screen, but they don't
If msg.GetIndex()=2
Exit While
End If
End If
If msg.isScreenClosed() 'screen is never closed until HOME is pressed
Print"Screen closed"
Exit While
Else If msg.isButtonPressed() 'without a button displayed on the springboard, this works correctly and does not fire
If msg.GetIndex()=1 audioplayer.Play()
If msg.GetIndex()=5 'close screen
Exit While
End If
Print"Button pressed: ";msg.GetIndex();" ";msg.GetData()
End If
Print"Unexpected message class: ";Type(msg)
End If
End While
Return 0
End Function
If I uncomment button 1 (PLAY), and/or button 5 (STOP), then the up key on the remote works to close the screen. But without any buttons displayed, if I just simply want the artist information, release date, and springboard screen to populate with no user-selectable onscreen buttons, then as soon as the screen is displayed all user interaction dies with home being the only viable choice to get out of it. I could probably get it to close the screen forcibly with a timer or by looking for the end of playlist event, but that kind of defeats the point that this instance kills the remote interface notifications.