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Streaming Star

roChannelStore problem

I am checking into using rokubilling and the rochannelstore component to sell VOD content on a 24-hour timeframe.
With a catalog of over 700 individual movies, with different pricing for each, I can use getpurchases Purchasedate to determine if it was bought within 24 hours easily enough.
With a dynamic changing selection of films at different dynamic prices though, I don't want to have to add individual items into the billing system.
ie if I have "Ringling Brothers Circus Clowns" for $1.99, It's my understanding that I'd need to create an item in the store with that name and that price, and then if the price changed to 99 cents for 'discount saturday' I'd need a second item in the store for the saturday price. Then if after the first 30 days of availability were to reduce the price to 65 cents, we would need to go back to the store and either update the price again, or I'd need to add it as an item beforehand and have the channel code check the date and sort or modify the available channel item purchase list depending on what day and pricing structure we want.

It would be much easier for us to be able to send a description, price, and expiration time to the store when offering a purchase - if it is bought, to have that information logged and stored for retrieval when requested.
Is anything like that possible, or is there another way of doing it?

With say - 200 items with individual titles at $1.99 - could I just use a single channel store entry for all of them and modify the title dynamically from outside the channel store?
0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: roChannelStore problem

Secondary question -
If a customer contacts roku for a refund from a purchase using roku billing - how are we notified so we can update our records?
0 Kudos
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