"joetesta" wrote:
hmm yeah, no luck.
filterrow.columnWidths = CreateObject("roArray", 0, true)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: roArray.Push: push ignored for non-resizable array: ...
Huh, there are multiple things going on here.
First, don't ever be seen in public doing `CreateObject("roArray", 0, true)` instead of `[ ]`
😛 (unless there is a reason, in which case i am very, very curious about it)
Second, it's curious that filterRow.columnWidths returns a non-resizable array.
But the crux of the problem is to realize the `filterrow.columnWidths.push()` actually equals `filterRow.getField("columnWidths").push()` and that causes the array to be cloned. So if you succeed pushing something in it, that won't be in the right array.
What firmware# is that by the way?