This isn't the app store, and Roku doesn't seem to enforce any specific guidelines for public channels beyond that they need to not infringe on others rights, do not feature pornography and don't do anything else obviously illegal. Publishing public channels is not immediate though, as Roku does review them for the prior mentioned compliance. I suspect Roku would
strongly suggest any company acting as you described please act more responsible. Then again, if the channels for additional shows actually feature specialized content and specific code for that show, who's to say the publisher shouldn't be able to put out lots of channels specific to each show?
As the number of channels grows, the mechanism for finding , reviewing and installing channels will necessarily need to get more complex to better deal with the large number of channels. Until then, I think it's not really an issue.
As for methods to remove unused channels from the store, I don't think automatic removal of channels base don subscriber rate is appropriate. There may be future users that DO find it interesting, and it's completely unfair to the developer. If the platform is successful, it WILL get crowed in the channel store. Arbitrary removal of channels would at best only temporarily alleviate the problem, but could definitely alienate developers.
-- GandK Labs
Check out Reversi! in the channel store!