Brand new version, just installed it right from the website from the latest version, 8
I also have a oracle account and did this on my other computer and getting the same error
I am using jre-8u212-windows-x64.exe
Maybe there is an incompatibility with the newest jre-8u231-windows-x64.exe
thats what I am thinking, so you can use other jave developer programs?
well unfortunately I click on mars, then try to download, it sends me to the new eclipse download page
thank you that link worked, i will install and try the plugin there and let you know.
It installed successfully with mars 2, thank you very much, think you can put this as SOLVED, hopefully the original poster has read all this and tries it.
Newest version of Eclipse getting that same error when attempt to install the plugin...I will look for Neon or Mars 2 from what I see in this thread.