Hi ,
I am using the free sample called "Multi-Live Channel" and I am trying to make the logos smaller and also the gray transparent bar that contains the logos shorter ,I tried changing the width and height for the poster and the label but that only reduced the quality of the images.
I would appreciate any help.
Here is the code inside:"RowListItems.xml"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Copyright 2016 Roku Corp. All Rights Reserved. -->
<component name="RowListItems" extends="Group" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="https://devtools.web.roku.com/schema/RokuSceneGraph.xsd">
<field id = "itemContent" type = "node" onChange = "itemContentChanged" />
<field id = "height" type = "float" onChange= "updateLayout" />
<field id = "width" type = "float" onChange = "updateLayout" />
<script type = "text/brightscript">
Sub init()
m.Poster = m.top.findNode("poster")
m.Label = m.top.findNode("label")
m.Label.font.size = "40"
End Sub
Sub itemContentChanged()
m.Poster.uri = m.top.itemContent.HDPosterUrl
m.Label.text = m.top.itemContent.Title
End Sub
Sub updateLayout()
if m.top.height > 0 and m.top.width > 0
m.Poster.width = m.top.width
m.Poster.height = m.top.height
m.Label.translation = [0, m.Poster.height +30]
m.Label.width = m.Poster.width
end if
End Sub
<!-- Aspect ratio for thumbnails is 16:9 -->
id = "poster"
height = "90"
width = "160"
loadWidth = "160"
loadHeight = "90"
loadDisplayMode = "scaleToFit">
id = "label"
height = "20"
width = "160"
horizAlign = "center"
color = "#f57b0a"
font = "font:SmallBoldSystemFont"