I am trying to capture the fast forward remote click on roTextScreen. I am using roTextScreenEvent but this doesnt have isRemoteKeyPressed. I am able to use the remote on this page, fast forward and ok remote button both 'do things' on my screen I just cant get hold of the event/action.
I need to continue to use roTextScreen due to the amount of text (this is a EULA page).
I am doing a pretty standard event loop
while true
msg = wait(0, screen.getMessagePort())
if type(msg) = "roTextScreenEvent"
print "type: " type(msg)
print "message: " msg
if msg.isButtonPressed()
idx = msg.getIndex()
if valid(opts.buttons) and valid(opts.buttons[idx]) then
res = opts.buttons[idx].action(screen)
end if
else if msg.isRemoteKeyPressed() 'this doesnt work
'print "remote index: " ; msg.getIndex()
else if msg.isScreenClosed()
exit while
end if
end while