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Channel Surfer

calculate days-ago from a date string

I've got rss feed items in this format:

"Fri, 22 Jul 2011 22:01:10 +0000"

Now I need to check if items in a feed are older than a certain number of days.

Does anyone have a good suggestion how might I convert a date in that format to Epoch time or something useful to do calculations on?

I wrote a little function to convert that date format to:

Friday, July 22, 2011

and I have a function that will tell me what the date was 7 days earlier than today:

Monday, July 18, 2011

What I need to know is how to tell that

Fri, 08 Apr 2011 19:00:25 +0000

is outside the range of 7 days and so exclude it from the list.

Alternatively, any wordpress guru's who know what, if any http parameters let you limit an rss feed to the last 7 days might be an even better solution...

Maybe I just need some sleep, but I'm blanking on this one.

- Joel
Screenshades: The first Screensaver for Roku2!
Musiclouds: The best free internet music, on your Roku!
Ouroborialis: Psychedelic Screensaver for Roku!
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Channel Surfer

Re: calculate days-ago from a date string

I can't think of any easy way to do that other than splitting the string and parsing it directly. Something like...
dateString = "Fri, 22 Jul 2011 22:01:10 +0000"
dateParts = dateString.Tokenize(" ")

day = dateParts[1]
If day.Len() = 1 Then
day = "0" + day
End If

month = dateParts[2]
If month = "Jan" Then
month = "01"
Else If month = "Feb" Then
month = "02"
Else If...
End If

year = dateParts[3]
time = dateParts[4]
iso8601 = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + time + ".000"

parsedDate = CreateObject("roDateTime")
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Channel Surfer

Re: calculate days-ago from a date string

Awesome, thanks! Here's what I wrote based on that:

function datediff(date as string) as boolean
d1=createobject("roDatetime") 'today
d2=createobject("rodatetime") 'this will be date in past
d1.Mark() 'set today
if (now-past) / 86400 > 7 then
return false
return true
end if
end function

function isomonsub(input as string) as string
return months[input]
end function

function isodaysub(day as string) as string
if len(day)=1 then day="0"+day
return day
end function

function isodate(date as string) as string
phase2=phase1.tokenize(" ")
return year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + time + ".000"
end function
Screenshades: The first Screensaver for Roku2!
Musiclouds: The best free internet music, on your Roku!
Ouroborialis: Psychedelic Screensaver for Roku!
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