I'm having trouble setting up an roURLTransfer and getting back the headers. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I'm mostly using code that I used sucessfully before for this.
I'm trying to pass a username and password over https to a server and extract a returned code from the header.
Here is the cUrl command line that works:
curl -k -u username:password --trace-ascii test.txt --request POST -d "t"
https://website.com/user.xmlThe code I am looking for is in the trace file, test.txt.
On the Roku I'm just not getting jack back from my asyncPostFromString("t") but an empty roAssociativeArray if I use: msg.GetResponseHeadersArray()
and an empty roArray if I use: msg.GetResponseHeaders().
If I use AsynchGetToString instead I get a pile of headers back, just not the right ones - I think it is following a redirect on that page which is intended for browsers, but curl doesn't seem to follow, but the Roku appears to.
Here's the code:
function GetHeaders(username as string, password as string) as object
xfer = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
if (xfer.asyncPostFromSTring("t"))
?"xfer.async is true"
msg = wait(0,xport)
?"we should have a message"
if type(msg) = "roUrlEvent"
?"ok we have a url event"
event={result:hedone, headers:hedtwo}
end if
end if
return event
End Function
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