I have been using a roSpringboardScreen to display an album and artist label by setting the description style to "audio." I also set the content type to "audio" and I enable the progress indicator.
o.ContentType = "audio"
o.Album = album
o.Artist = artist
springboard.SetProgressIndicator(resumepos, length)
The springboard screen contained play and resume buttons that would display a roVideoScreen when pressed. When the back button was pressed it would return to the springboard screen and update the buttons and progress indicator.
while true
msg = wait(0, port)
if type(msg) = "roVideoScreenEvent" then
if msg.isScreenClosed() then
return currentpos
end while
Everything was working fine until recently which leads me to believe that a bug was introduced in a recent firmware update. I was previously able to use the audio description style without any problems but I am currently unable to use the audio style or a crash will occur. If SetDescriptionStyle("audio") is used then the second that the back button is pressed on a roVideoScreen and the msg.isScreenClosed() event is detected it causes the channel to crash. No crash report is displayed in the debug output in my console. It simply exits the channel entirely and returns to the main Roku menu. If I remove the SetDescriptionStyle("audio") setting and keep everything else the same then it works as expected and returns successfully to the springboard screen. This only began happening recently and since there is no crash report displayed I am sure it is a bug in the Roku firmware.