Maybe I'm just entirely stupid, or perhaps it will only work one way and I haven't understood what that single method is yet. I'm asking for a little help with this.
I have an xml file - from the video player example, and I'm using this code:
What this should be doing, as far as I can understand, is it creates the urltransfer object which allows it to access files from the internet
Then it sets the url to the file I want to retrieve from the internet
Then it puts the entire contents of that file into a string variable I have named "xml"
Next it creates the roxmlelement object which I have named "rss"
As far as I can tell, rss.parse(xml) should create an associative array of each 'item' group in the xml file.
I can print xml and it displays the entire xml file in the debugger, so that part should be ok
I can print rss.item and it displays ROT:roxmlElement three times, so that should be ok, I think, too, as there are three items in it
I can also print rss.item[0] and it displays ROT:xmlElement once, which is fine as well, as that is item 0, the first element of the array.
Now, using the video player example, how would I be able to reference the "title" field directly? Can I use something like "print rss.item[0].title" ? Seems everything I try to get an actual value of a specific field is failing for me.