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Re: XML - Categories/Levels Question

Agreed that there are better editors available. But if you really want to continue to use Notepad, you can go to a line number by Edit -> Go To. You must have Format -> Word Wrap disabled for this to work. You can also enable View -> Status Bar to display the line number at the bottom of the window.

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Roku Guru

Re: XML - Categories/Levels Question

Notepad++ is definitely a very good editor for BrightScript files. I just have the editor treat it like a Visual Basic file (go to the Languages menu and select "VB").
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Re: XML - Categories/Levels Question

So my channel has been submitted and I'm stoked with how it came out. However, when I select the Channel on the Roku it displays the icons from right to left, instead of from left to right.

I know it's a minor issue, but does anyone know how to fix it?
Free 24/7 Metal radio via web or smartphone
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Re: XML - Categories/Levels Question

So have these modifications been successful for anyone? I tried applying them to my app, and it came up with a number of syntax errors in appHomeScreen.brs

I'd really like to get those subcategories out of there. I'm wondering if I made a mistake of my own somewhere...

Thanks so much everyone.
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Re: XML - Categories/Levels Question

While on the topic of Category Leaf, how to change the Graphic image size next to Resume Playing and Start from Beginning in the videoplayer example? All Graphics are OK in arced-portrait until I drill down to the show itself. Using the xml to make my changes or additions.

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Roku Guru

Re: XML - Categories/Levels Question

"" wrote:
So have these modifications been successful for anyone? I tried applying them to my app, and it came up with a number of syntax errors in appHomeScreen.brs

I'd really like to get those subcategories out of there. I'm wondering if I made a mistake of my own somewhere...

Thanks so much everyone.

Hi there - see my post here:
The other day I started with a fresh SDK & went through this and confirmed that it is correct / successfully removes the leafs. The ONLY thing I left out is that you need to update your XML to include a 'feed' for the top level 'category' elements.
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Re: XML - Categories/Levels Question

I will test this out Friday. Since I keep the leafs, looks like the categoryFeed.brs section needs the additional code. I assume the e@sd_img needs the changed too.

Update, no change messing with child nodes and kids image attributes. My show still shows a graphic picture scrunched up next to the Play Button. But all other graphics above this category Leaf is the normal tall image of a DVD poster.
I am still trying to find where the size of the graphic image is controlled on the last Play screen.
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Roku Guru

Re: XML - Categories/Levels Question

"bandal" wrote:
I am still trying to find where the size of the graphic image is controlled on the last Play screen.

Hi bandal,
If you look in the Documents -> ComponentReference.pdf -> 4.4 roSpringboardScreen

If the ContentType is audio, the album art dimensions are:
SD: 124 x 112
HD: 188 x 188
If the ContentType is episode, the album art dimensions are:
SD: 180 x 122
HD: 264 x 198
If the ContentType is any other value, the album art dimensions are:
SD: 112 x 142
HD: 148 x 212

I think that's what you're looking for. The ContentType is set in the xml. For this particular screen you are limited to those options.
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Re: XML - Categories/Levels Question

Yes, I did see this and I tried episodic and another type not listed to see the results from each. Somehow, the artwork is still scrunched up. I scanned the DVD cover and set the dimensions to eripodic for the SD and HD image, and from top to bottom of image is like compressed in the play area. I will mess more with this, but the wife said it is OK and not a big issue. Next will be the star removal, but the SetStaticRatingEnabled can't be found in the .brs files for videoplayer or my notepad++ isn't searching correctly. Thanks..

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Re: XML - Categories/Levels Question

Got the photo to work as I want. The "item.ContentType = "movie" in the showFeed.brs in the videoplayer example was set to movie and the photo looks as it should for a DVD Poster.

The graphical stars is what I need to remove next. I removed the color in the star rating, but not the star graphic.

Update to the Star Rating removal. Find it here. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=44949

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