"RokuKC" wrote:
If you brave the leopard 😉 see bslBrightScriptErrorCodes (https://sdkdocs.roku.com/display/sdkdoc ... rrorCodes()asObject) and see
ERR_NORMAL_END : &hFC ' normal, but terminate execution. END, shell "exit", window closed, etc.
ERR_VALUE_RETURN : &hE2 ' return executed, and a value returned on the stack
Oh wow, yes!
"Result codes are exhibited in a documents department locked filing cabinet - so go to the console cellar with a torch and look for a disused common:/LibCore/v30/bslCore.brs - and when you find it, make sure not to Library include it - instead dump the source on screen, so can read the strategically placed comments."
very HHGTTG indeed! Can't imagine this being pure happenstance.

An example of a value being returned on the stack is if you use the (not recommended) Run function.
Ah ok, so &hE2 is still a thing. I asked because my attempts to reproduce it with eval() were a spectacular failure. So the code is still in use and i should account for it.