"RokuMarkn" wrote:
Oh you got fancy. No I just used a simple bitmap loop. At the time I wrote it I was more interested in testing the frame buffer than writing a good Life game. On a Roku 3 1000 generations of R pentomino takes 43 seconds in my game. This is on a 400 x 240 board, although the board size may not matter for you if you used a more advanced algorithm.
Nothing too radical - i found the source and it's about 200 lines BrSc (that includes some remote control like pan and zoom* but no editor). I had to get clever, since going over ~100,000 cells (from e.g. 400x240) on each generation was not going to fly in B/S.
I tested and here is what i get, 1000x @ R-pent.: 21 sec on Roku 3 (woo-hoo!), 52 sec on RokuTV, 65 sec on 2XS. The roScreen drawing takes ~20% of the time, ~80% for the calculations for the #3100 and #4200. On a #5xxx, things differ - 24 sec drawing + 28 sec math, so it seems its graphics is 2x slower than #3xxx but the CPU is 2x faster (that's a convenient "rule of thumb", no?).
Your board - what happens at the edges, is it a "black hole" outside the board or does it wrap-around ("toroidal world")? For the R-pentomino case on a small board i think better is to be open edges since there are gliders flying away at 3 of the diagonals and if they re-enter, probably wreak havoc at the "main structure". In my case i was able to follow the 117 live cells for over 100,000 generations - though admittedly, there is very little fun in that (gliders be flying, expanding the universe, yawn).
(*) that is kind of neat, i am contemplating recording video maybe if i can figure a convenient way of recording other than holding my phone against the TV.