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URL Feed Not Validated: Expecting text/xml but rcvd text/plain

I am trying to upload my Feed URL for the first time. I have done the following:

  • Created JSON file (in Google Docs and then exporting as a .txt file)

  • Tested it in the Schema Validator

  • Uploaded it to my AWS as a .txt file

  • Linked to it in my Roku Developer page

My Feed URL is here: ... ONFile.txt

I get the following error: 
The feed URL(s) could not be validated.
  • The server returned an unsupported content type. Was expecting 'application/rss+xml', 'text/xml', 'application/xml' or 'application/json' but received 'text/plain'.

    Any help is greatly appreciated. My guess is that I need to define a file type, but I do not know how to do this (or where).
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    9 REPLIES 9
    Roku Guru

    Re: URL Feed Not Validated: Expecting text/xml but rcvd text/plain

    Try uploading it as a ".json" file, since that's what it is.
    0 Kudos

    Re: URL Feed Not Validated: Expecting text/xml but rcvd text/plain

    I have changed the extension to .json and tried uploading it and get the same "URL Feed not validated" error message.

    The new file is located at

    Unfortunately, I'm still getting the following error: 
    The feed URL(s) could not be validated.
  • The server returned an unsupported content type. Was expecting 'application/rss+xml', 'text/xml', 'application/xml' or 'application/json' but received 'text/plain'.
  • 0 Kudos
    Roku Guru

    Re: URL Feed Not Validated: Expecting text/xml but rcvd text/plain

    Your ".txt" file on AWS is served with a Content-Type of "text/plain", which is what I'd expect from a ".txt" file. I'm not familiar with AWS, but I would try changing the extension to ".json" and see if AWS serves it up with a Content-Type of "application/json".

    Your ".json" file on Weebly is served with a Content-Type of "application/octet-stream". I'm not sure how (or if) you could change that on Weebly. In any case, it's a violation of Weebly's Terms of Service to host files that weren't created with the Weebly editor.
    0 Kudos

    Re: URL Feed Not Validated: Expecting text/xml but rcvd text/plain

    "DGPT" wrote:
  • The server returned an unsupported content type. Was expecting 'application/rss+xml', 'text/xml', 'application/xml' or 'application/json' but received 'text/plain'.

  • If you want to upload it as a file, you need to convert your json into xml (
  • 0 Kudos
    Roku Guru

    Re: URL Feed Not Validated: Expecting text/xml but rcvd text/plain

    "belltown" wrote:
     I'm not familiar with AWS, but I would try changing the extension to ".json" and see if AWS serves it up with a Content-Type of "application/json".

    I have JSON files on S3. They won't work unless I change the properties/metadata to txt/rtf. There is no application/json option.   I'm using getToString() to snag it.
    Kinetics Screensavers
    0 Kudos

    Re: URL Feed Not Validated: Expecting text/xml but rcvd text/plain

    Thank you, the JSON and XML file give me the same reply when trying to upload to AWS:

    “DGPT-ROKU-FEED.xml” has failed to upload. Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.

    On Weebly, I uploaded the file successfully and now get the following error:

    For MRSS feeds a video type must be provided.

    Does the conversion to XML mean that I am now using MRSS? If so, there are apparently different parameters/types that need to be defined?
    My guess is that I somehow went from a JSON feed to an MRSS feed with the JSON-->XML conversion.

    Does anyone know of a sample MRSS feed that I can utilize to replicate my new file from?
    0 Kudos
    Roku Guru

    Re: URL Feed Not Validated: Expecting text/xml but rcvd text/plain

    This should be in the next-door forum - right?
    0 Kudos

    Re: URL Feed Not Validated: Expecting text/xml but rcvd text/plain

    Yes, it should be. I misunderstood the forum structure. My primary issue seems to be, "where and how do I host my JSON file?" I found and have posted my current issue at this thread:

    0 Kudos

    Re: URL Feed Not Validated: Expecting text/xml but rcvd text/plain

    You can also use for the yaml validator as well as yaml converter to json,csv,xml,base64 also for beautify and minify YAML.

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