"harvestonline" wrote:
I am currently using the "mm_icon_focus_hd" setting in the manifest to set that graphic, is there a different setting I should be using?
That's the correct setting (you should also be including an sd version). But put the channel store sized(290x218) icon in the zip, and point the mm_icon_focus_hd to that, instead of the 336x210 version, for side-loaded testing. Once you are confident the artwork looks right, point mm_icon_focus_hd back to the 336x210 file, and include the channel store hd/sd versions when uploading the finished package to the developer website.
Here's the complete breakdown of sizes:
Channel artwork for the Roku Channel Store
and 5.0 My Channels:
HD version: 290px (W) x 218px (H)
SD version: 214px (W) x 144px (H)
Channel artwork for the
pre-5.0 Roku home screen:
Focus HD: 336px (W) x 210px (H)
Focus SD: 248px (W) x 140px (H)
Sides HD: 108px (W) x 69px (H)
Sides SD: 80px (W) x 46px (H)
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