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Trick mode not working

Hi all,

I have been playing with the trick mode for almost a week with no success.
I changed the simpleVideoPlayer and added the HDBIFUrl as below,

bitrates = [6500]
urls = [""]
qualities = ["HD"]
videoclip = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
videoclip.StreamBitrates = bitrates
videoclip.StreamUrls = urls
videoclip.StreamQualities = qualities
videoclip.StreamFormat = "wmv"
videoclip.Title = "Test"
videoclip.HDBifUrl = ""

This is what i get when i click ff button. It always says there are no frames available.

I create the bif file as mentioned in the thread

I would appreciate any help in this regard.

Thank you.
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Re: Trick mode not working

You will get a screen like that if the roku box cannot access or parse the HDBifUrl.

I would double check your SDBifUrl and HDBifUrl values in a browser to be sure you can access the files. And then try to read the bif files using biftool to be sure that they were created properly and able to be parsed.

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Re: Trick mode not working

Thanks Kevin.
I got it working.
The bif file was not accessible.
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