"Pradeepa" wrote:
We exported the Charles certifcate (myCharlesCertificateFile.pem) from charles and imported the certificate in code as below but it didn't work for us. Do you have any inputs?
I don't see why you have two calls to SetCertificatesFile. Only the last call will have any effect. There can only be one certificates file. The standard Roku certificate bundle, contained in common:/certs/ca-bundle.crt, contains certificates for well-known trusted certificate authorities. What you need to do is create a bundle that has the common list of CAs, but with your Charles Proxy root CA certificate APPENDED to the standard list, all in one file. Pass that filename to SetCertificatesFile. Also, take a look at the format of the certificate entries in common:/certs/ca-bundle.crt and ensure your Charles certificate is in the same format.
If it still doesn't work, be more specific about what you mean when you say it "didn't work". What error did you get, and where did you get this error, and what calls are you using to communicate via your roUrlTransfer object?