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The Roku & RSS text

Hi all,

The Endless states that most of you don't bite, so I thought I'd take him at his word.

I've been playing around with CDNTwo (at least, until it went down last night), adding my own categories and RSS feeds. Most of these are video and/or audio, but I've discovered that I can also add text-only RSS. From my Netflix account, I've added the RSS feed of my DVD queue (that is, the physical DVDs that will be delivered next, not IW) and Netflix's new releases. From the BBC website, I've added world news headlines, US & Canada headlines and the UK headlines (I'm an ex-pat). Now, none of these are very pretty, but they do the job. I can click on each DVD listed and get the synopsis, and click on the headlines and get a summary.

My thought is that maybe one of you out there can do a better job of this. There's probably other info that could be utilised in this way that I haven't thought of yet. I don't know if this is of interest to anyone - I might be the only one who is content to read headlines, or desperately needs the ability to see other aspects of my Netflix account directly on my TV - but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.

Cheers for the hard work you put into your channels. It is certainly appreciated.

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