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Surprise: screen.finish() appears to be swapping the screen buffers!

I was interested in the measuring the time taken by the GPU to finish rendering each frame so I added an option to do an explicit screen.finish() to my frame loop (after drawing) and found to my surprise that the double buffered screen started tearing. What's more, adjusting the moment when the screen.finish() is called during each frame moves the "tear line" up and down so it looks very much like finish() is actually triggering an unsynchronised swap!

Configuration: Model: 2400SK (Roku LT) (Firmware Version: 077.00E09593A)

In the demo code below (written to demo a different issue) the OK/SELECT button now enables/disables the call to screen.finish() and LEFT & RIGHT buttons adjust the simulated drawing time, and hence the moment when finish() is called, and hence the tear position.

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Vertical Synchronisation Glitch Demo
' On some platforms there is now (7.00 firmware) an intermittent
' (~1 per second) failure to SwapBuffers at 60FPS, even for animation times
' less than 4mSecs.
' This can be observed as tearing and/or juddering of the vertical bars
' and is reflected in the displayed frame times. The average should
' settle to 16,666 uSecs, the instantaneous value should dither between
' 16 and 17 mSecs.
' - left/right buttons adjust simulated animation time +/-1 ms
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Library "v30/bslCore.brs"

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub main ()

    ' Log system info so we know when we are comparing chalk and cheese
    ' Handy Facts
    VIDEO_FIELD_MS = 1000.0 / 60.0

    ' Initialise various resources
    ecodes = bslUniversalControlEventCodes()
    clk = CreateObject("roTimespan")
    port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
    screen = CreateObject("roScreen", TRUE)
    ' Prepare font to display statistics on screen
    font = CreateObject("roFontRegistry").GetDefaultFont()
    txt_height = font.getOneLineHeight()
    txt_color = &h60ff60ff
    txt_margin = 100
    ' Create some animated stripes to illustrate tearing and judders.
    num_stripes = 10
    stripes = []
    for x = 0 to screen.getWidth()-1 step screen.getWidth()/num_stripes
        stripes.push(VerticalStripe(screen.getWidth(), screen.getHeight(), x))
    end for
    ' Simulated frame animation time (target & moving average)
    animation_target_ms = 4
    animation_avg_filter = jcEWMAFilter(0.995, animation_target_ms * 1000)
    last_animation_overrun_ms = animation_target_ms

    ' Frame timing stats.
    last_frame_start = INVALID
    frame_avg_filter = jcEWMAFilter(0.995, VIDEO_FIELD_MS * 1000)
    last_frame_overrun_ms = 17

    ' Issue Finish() after rendering
    explicit_finish = FALSE

    ' Do initial buffer swap before we start timing loop

    ' Spin around SwappingBuffers and monitoring how long field/frame takes.
    while TRUE       

        this_frame_start = clk.TotalMilliseconds()

        ' Handle any events
        ' - left/right buttons adjust simulated animation time +/-1 ms
        msg = port.GetMessage()         
        if type(msg) = "roUniversalControlEvent" then
            ecode = msg.GetInt()
            if ecode = ecodes.BUTTON_RIGHT_PRESSED then
                animation_target_ms = animation_target_ms + 1
            else if ecode = ecodes.BUTTON_LEFT_PRESSED then
                animation_target_ms = animation_target_ms - 1
            else if ecode = ecodes.BUTTON_SELECT_PRESSED then
                explicit_finish = not explicit_finish
            end if
        end if


        ' Animate & render the vertical stripes
        for each stripe in stripes
        end for
        ' Calculate & render statistics.
        if last_frame_start <> INVALID then

            ' Calc
            last_frame_ms = this_frame_start - last_frame_start
            frame_avg_us = int(frame_avg_filter.update(last_frame_ms * 1000))
            animation_avg_us = int(animation_avg_filter.update(last_animation_ms * 1000))
            if last_frame_ms > 17 then
                last_frame_overrun_ms = last_frame_ms
            end if
            if last_animation_ms > animation_target_ms then
                last_animation_overrun_ms = last_animation_ms
            end if

            ' Render
            x = txt_margin
            y = txt_margin
            screen.drawText("Vertical Synchronisation Glitch Demo", x, y, txt_color, font)            
            y = y + 2 * txt_height
            screen.drawText("Animation target: " + animation_target_ms.toStr() + " ms (L = -1, R = +1)", x, y, txt_color, font)            
            y = y + txt_height
            screen.drawText("Animation actual: " + last_animation_ms.toStr() + " ms (Avg: " + animation_avg_us.toStr() + " us, Last overrun: " + last_animation_overrun_ms.toStr() + " ms)", x, y, txt_color, font)                  
            y = y + txt_height
            screen.drawText("Frame actual: " + last_frame_ms.toStr() + "ms (Avg: " + frame_avg_us.toStr() + " us, Last overrun: " + last_frame_overrun_ms.toStr() + " ms)", x, y, txt_color, font)                  


        ' Spin until the simulated animation time has elapsed.
        this_animation_ms = clk.TotalMilliseconds() - this_frame_start
        while this_animation_ms < animation_target_ms
            this_animation_ms = clk.TotalMilliseconds() - this_frame_start
        end while

        ' Finish to sync with GPU
        ' *** This seems to cause horrible tearing ***
        if explicit_finish then
        end if

        ' Go round again
        last_frame_start = this_frame_start
        last_animation_ms = this_animation_ms
    end while
end sub

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Animated Vertical White Stripe
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function VerticalStripe (cw as Integer, ch as Integer, x0 as Integer) as Object

    this = {} = cw
    this.x = x0
    this.w = 50
    this.h = ch
    this.dx = 4
    this.clr = &h808080ff
    ' Animate and render this stripe to canvas.
    this.animate = function (canvas as Object) as Void

        this = m

        this.x = this.x + this.dx
        if this.x > then
            this.x = this.x - ( + this.w)
        end if        

        canvas.drawRect(this.x, 0, this.w, this.h, this.clr)   
    end function
    return this

end function

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) filter
' Yt =  Xt  + α ( Yt-1 - Xt)
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function jcEWMAFilter(alpha as Float, avg0 as Float) as Object

    this = {}    
    this.alpha = alpha
    this.avg = avg0
    ' Insert new sample, returns updated average.
    this.update = function (x as Float) as Float
        this = m
        this.avg = x + (this.alpha * (this.avg - x))
        return this.avg
    end function
    return this

end function

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Log basic system info
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub log_system_info()

    di = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo")    
    print "          Device: "; di.GetDeviceUniqueId()
    print "           Model: "; di.GetModel(); " ("; di.GetModelDisplayName(); ")"
    print "Firmware Version: "; di.GetVersion()

    md = di.GetModelDetails()
    print "     Vendor Name: "; md.VendorName
    print "    Model Number: "; md.ModelNumber

    ai = CreateObject("roAppInfo")    
    print "             App: "; ai.GetTitle(); " ("; ai.GetVersion(); ")"
    print "           DevID: "; ai.GetDevID()

end sub

0 Kudos

Re: Surprise: screen.finish() appears to be swapping the screen buffers!

So how can screen.finish() cause tearing on a double buffered screen? (when draw + finish < 4 mSecs)

Is this a bug or a design feature that we need to understand?

What really happens, in some detail, when you call screen.finish() and screen.swapbuffers()?

Any differences across platforms?

0 Kudos
Roku Employee
Roku Employee

Re: Surprise: screen.finish() appears to be swapping the screen buffers!

"oomzay" wrote:
I was interested in the measuring the time taken by the GPU to finish rendering each frame so I added an option to do an explicit screen.finish() to my frame loop (after drawing) and found to my surprise that the double buffered screen started tearing. What's more, adjusting the moment when the screen.finish() is called during each frame moves the "tear line" up and down so it looks very much like finish() is actually triggering an unsynchronised swap!

For double-buffered roScreen, I believe you only want to call screen.SwapBuffers(). screen.Finish() should not be used in that case.
0 Kudos

Re: Surprise: screen.finish() appears to be swapping the screen buffers!

Thank you for your response KC.

1. Please could you arrange for the ifdraw2D.Finish() documentation to be elaborated to clarify this because the ifdraw2D.finish() page simply states it "Realizes the bitmap by finishing all queued draw calls." without mention of side effects or advice not to use it with a double buffered roScreen.

2 Are you able to find answers to any of my more specific questions?

These are not idle questions. I, and I can infer several others, are trying very hard to squeeze maximum graphics performance out of the Roku platforms. The details of the Roku display pipeline implementation are currently opaque but the side effects are not invisible and keep biting us in unexpected ways. An clear explanation of how the API calls map to underlying GL (if indeed they do!) would help to reduce the significant barrier that the proprietory language and APIs impose on potential developers and would thus help people who are trying hard to add value to your platform everyone's advantage.
0 Kudos
Roku Employee
Roku Employee

Re: Surprise: screen.finish() appears to be swapping the screen buffers!

"oomzay" wrote:
1. Please could you arrange for the ifdraw2D.Finish() documentation to be elaborated to clarify this because the ifdraw2D.finish() page simply states it "Realizes the bitmap by finishing all queued draw calls." without mention of side effects or advice not to use it with a double buffered roScreen.

A note has been added to the ifdraw2D.Finish() documentation, FWIW.

"oomzay" wrote:
2 Are you able to find answers to any of my more specific questions?

I sympathize and agree with your points wholeheartedly. It looks like you "filed a ticket" on the other thread you made for this issue, so hopefully that will generate a response through the proper channels. (I am only a casual commenter, and not part of developer support).
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