Ok, so I know you can't call urltransfer directly from a scene, it has to go thru a task. I also understand an existing brs file can be pulled into a scene to utilize existing code. So if I have a brs file that creates a urltransfer, then parses the return into an array I would first have to create a task, put the urltransfer in the task and run the task. The parse would have to be done in the Task with the return of transfer, putting the parse result in a content child. Can the return of parse not be placed in an array (m.array) like I was doing in the original brs and be made available to setting content of list or grids? I am most likely missing a big point here but it seems pulling in existing brs to utilize parts is totally useless if the brs is a urltransfer. I have attempted to pull in the brs and run the original urltransfer and parse the return but get an error on set(url). Most likely I am going to be told that the urltransfer and parse will be done in a task with result going into a content node and child. If this is the case can some body show me an example of how to create additional attributes for the node. For example if I have
<component name = "InitialContentReader" extends = "Task" >
<field id = "content" type = "node" />
<script type = "text/brightscript" >
The child attributes for a markupgrid are title, hdgridposterurl, and sdgridposterurl. I would like to add a child called additionalinfo which would be a string. Would I simply add this to the interface like
<field id = "content" type = "node" />
<field id= "additionalinfo" type = "string" />