Hi, if I have component <MyWidget> which has a method
function GetName() as string
return "MyWidget"
end function
and I have MyChildWidget, which extends MyWidget, which in turn overrides GetName() then, how can MyChildWidget get the resilt of MyWidget. I currently see both code paths are executed (i.e. if I log in both, they both get called); but I don't see any means of getting the base.GetName() method value in the subclass.GetName() value.
Is there such a mechanism in SceneGraph/BS?
George Cook
Roku developers slack group (https://join.slack.com/t/rokudevelopers/shared_invite/zt-4vw7rg6v-NH46oY7hTktpRIBM_zGvwA) : georgejecook
Contact me on roku developer slack group, or via pm to discuss consultancy/work opportunities/rooibos unit testing framework