Hi, I downloaded this example channel
https://github.com/rokudev/sample-chann ... hannel.zip, and I liked the design, my question is how I reduce the space that exists between the items as shown in the image,
I think it may be in this part of the code but I'm not sure
sub itemContentChanged()
m.Poster.loadDisplayMode = "scaleToZoom"
m.Label.text = m.top.itemcontent.Title
m.SubLabel.text = m.top.itemcontent.shortdescriptionline2
m.Poster.uri = m.top.itemContent.HDPOSTERURL
m.Label.translation = [10, m.poster.height + 20]
m.SubLabel.translation = [10, m.poster.height + 65]
end sub
If someone wants to help me I would appreciate them, regards