"gonzotek" wrote:
Maybe that's not important(it's not like the debugger port is accessible in released channels), but I thought it worth mentioning, just in case.
Dumping a lot of data to the console, whether it's accessible by the end user or not, can still have a significant performance impact on your channel.
"greubel" wrote:
Thanks ! I was already checking for "dev" and my channel.
Like gonzotek, I'm not clear on how this would work. Say, for instance, you have the public version and the side-loaded version of your channel installed, and you launch the public version. How would it know that it wasn't the side-loaded version, if all you're doing is checking for the existence of a "dev" channel named "Chaneru" via ECP? I guess it's probably safe to assume that 99.9% of your user base won't have a side-loaded version of Chaneru installed, but still...
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