Gah. I think I figured out my problem, and now I feel silly...
Since I'm using mixed-aspect-ratio grid, I need to call screen.SetDescriptionVisible(bool) on every isListItemFocused focused event. I thought I was capturing these strange values to keep setDescription from being called, but apparently I wasn't. There isn't a thing to set a description visible on, so *boom*.
@malort, in the code you posted, changing
if msg.isListItemFocused() then
print"list item focused | current show = "; msg.GetIndex()
' changing mixed rows causes the description (BoB) to be hidden
if msg.isListItemFocused() then
print"list item focused | current show = "; msg.GetIndex()
if msg.GetIndex() >= 20 AND msg.getData() > 80000
print "strange message"
' changing mixed rows causes the description (BoB) to be hidden
should fix it. It did for my channel, at least.
I feel like I have egg on my face. Thanks @TheEndless, @renojim, and @malort for your time. Lessons learned.